Drawing Hands You Must Know

Drawing hand is an incomplete hand combination of cards and need one or two more cards to make the best combination of poker hands to win the pot was at stake.
In poker there are several types of drawing hands :
1. Open Ended Straight Draw ( OESD )
Situation where you have a combination of four consecutive cards of 2 pieces of cards you hold ( hole card ) and 3-card hand that appears on the flop round, then you need one or more consecutive cards to make a straight combination ( Also known as an outside straight draw ).
Example :


In this example, you have 8-9-10-J and need either a Seven at the lower end or a Queen at the upper end to make a straight.

2. GutShot Straight Draw ( GSD )
In OESD you need fifth cards at the beginning or end of the combination, then the fifth card in the GSD is there missing one card in the middle to make a straight combination. This gives the GSD has a higher level of difficulty in performing drawing compared OESD. Also known as an inside straight draw.
GutShot Draw
You can see in that example, the cards are 6-7-8-X-10 and you need a Nine to make a Six to Ten Straight, making this a gutshot straight draw.

3. Double Gutshot Straight Draw
An incomplete hand with four of the five cards needed for two possible straight hands. Both potential straights are missing a middle card ( Also known as double inside straight draw ). The probability of making a double gutshot straight draw is same as that of an open-ended straight draw.
Example :
Double GutShot
Look at that example, the cards are 5-X-7-8-9-X-J and you need either a Six to make a Five to Nine straight, or a Ten to make a Seven to Jack straight.

4. Flush Draw
A situation when you have four suited cards combination that can improve to a flush with one more suited card you needed.
Example :
Flush Draw
You have four hearts and need one more heart to make a flush combination.

5. Backdoor Flush Draw
An incomplete hand with three suited cards that can improve to a flush with two more suited cards.
Example :
Backdoor Draw
With the above flop, you have three hearts. You are said to be on a backdoor flush draw and need two more hearts to make a flush.

6. Monster Card Draw
A situation when you have an incomplete hand with four of the five cards needed to make two or more possibility  hands draw or make a strongest poker hands combination. Very strong probability to win the game.
Monster Card
Look at that example, you have some chance to make a powerful combination to win the game round. Besides you already have a Top Pair of Ace, you also still have a chance to make a strongest poker hands combination ( Royal Flush, Flush Draw or Straight Draw ).

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