The Basic Mindset Affect Your Playing Style

Before you playing poker, you should ask yourself what exactly is the reason you play poker?. Your answer is what will affect the basic mindset of your playing style. So be very careful in setting your reasons for playing poker online especially real money poker.
At least there are some common reasons people put forward. Among others:

1. Social Rewards
That is, they play just to get new friends from the poker table. Much like hang out, you will also find new friends by playing poker whether it is in real money poker rooms or in free poker.
If this is your reason, then you should choose to play at the low-micro stakes table or in free online poker site table.

2. Entertainment
Many players who will get the sensation and feel comforted if he can beat his opponents. Given the poker game is essentially pitted the skills, it often is compared to competing sports. If this be your reason, it would be more appropriate if you play at low-micro buy-in tournament and Freerolls.

3. Education
Poker is just a card game. But it is a good educational aspects of one's mental development. In poker, players are required to have adequate skills especially in reading the opponent's behavior. Also, it should be smart to take a decision within a relatively short time, to control your personal ego, learn your mistakes. Besides also trains power of reason (logic) and its strategic capabilities. The point is if you have mastered all these then wherever you play you will not be difficult to adapt.

4. Making Money
In general, the purpose of playing poker that uses real money is to try making money online opportunities, but often they are trapped by the basic mindset that they form themselves. Then it can be differentiated into two types:
- Poker for lives
They consider poker is part of a career in their lives. They are very disciplined and consistent and full of experience because they are the type of long-term players. In a certain period of time they will take profit from time to time, because they have mastered almost all aspects of the game of poker, starting from the mastery of poker as a means to educate. Although at one time they had lost but they will not easily lose their initial capital. Because for them, poker is a long-term game.
- Compulsive Gambler
Actually, their goal is the same as above. But the way that they have very different and full of risk. For them, poker is just a game that relies on luck factor as well as the Lotto game without regard to other aspects that affect the game of poker. Maybe because they have a lot of money, so look for their own satisfaction to have fun and dissipate or they are trapped by their basic mindset and consider playing without risk because it relies on free starting capital from free poker offers without regard to the complex aspects that affect the game of poker. Players like these are the types of short-term players or "seasonal players", they can win big or go bankrupt all at one time, they easly to loose all their starting capital.

Whatever your reason to play poker this would be a mindset that determines your playing style. Of course there must be consideration and adjustment of the stakes of your choice and the initial capital you have. Please remember, the reason will be the basis for achieving the goal. And the goal can only be achieved by acting appropriately. Your Styles, techniques, and strategies are the types of actions to achieve your goals.

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